Instrument setup

Revision as of 09:31, 25 January 2008 by Dickon Champion (talk | contribs)
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Quite often the matlab environment must be prepared with certain information about which instrument you are trying to analyse data for.

The instrument specific setup file must be called with arguments defining the directories containing the instrument map files, the instrument mask files and the instrument parameter files

>> mapdir='../mari_files';maskdir='../mari_files';datadir='../mari_files';
>> nexdir='../mari_files';
>> setup_mari_inst(datadir,mapdir,nexdir,maskdir);
  • It can be useful to define default instrument values for the instrument for input to homer
>> setup_mari_homer_defaults;
  • IF you are going to use diagnose then you must also set the diag defaults
>> setup_mari_diag_defaults;
  • Instrument specific entries must be added to the IXTdata_source object (these define the sample position and other parameters)
>> dso=setup_mari_data_source;
  • mari can be substituted for 'maps' 'het' or 'merlin' eg
>> mapdir='../mari_files';maskdir='../mari_files';datadir='../mari_files';
>> nexdir='../mari_files';
>> setup_maps_inst(datadir,mapdir,nexdir,maskdir);