Instrument setup
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- The matlab environment must be prepared with certain information about which instrument you are trying to analyse data for.
- The instrument specific setup file must be called with arguments defining the directories containing the instrument map files, the instrument mask files, the instrument parameter files and where the raw data to load is situated.
- Where you choose to keep the raw data files is up to you, the standard map, mask and nexus files are all provided in the libisis distribution in "libisis\matlab\Instrument_files\"
>> mapdir='Y:\mprogs\libisis\matlab\Instrument_files\mari_files'; >> maskdir='Y:\mprogs\libisis\matlab\Instrument_files\mari_files'; >> nexdir='Y:\mprogs\libisis\matlab\Instrument_files\mari_files'; >> datadir='D:\data\RAW'; >> setup_mari_inst(datadir,mapdir,nexdir,maskdir);
- this function sets up four global IXTpath objects
- inst_maps:::
- inst_masks:::
- inst_nxs:::
- inst_data:::
- If you are going to homer data then it is useful to set the standard instrument homer default arguments
>> setup_mari_homer_defaults;
- IF you are going to use diagnose then it is useful set the standard instrument diagnose default arguments
>> setup_mari_diag_defaults;
- Instrument specific entries must be added to the IXTdata_source object (these define the sample position and other parameters)
>> dso=setup_mari_data_source;
- mari can be substituted by 'maps', 'het' or 'merlin' eg with examples for other places to keep your instrument files etc.
- multiple directories can be specified in a cell array, but the first directory to contain a file which is referred to will be used.
>> mapdir={'C:\mprogs\maps\mapfiles' 'D:\mymapfiles'}; >> maskdir='C:\mprogs\maps\maskfiles'; >> nexdir='C:\mprogs\maps\nexusfiles'; >> datadir='D:\data\maps\RAW'; >> setup_maps_inst(datadir,mapdir,nexdir,maskdir);