Overriding and setting default values for homer processes
Where are the defaults specified
the homer distribution files are contained in
on a windows distribution: /your_libisis_directory/matlab/
on a linux rpm installation: /usr/local/libisis/applications/matlab/
in the svn repository: /libisis/applications/matlab/
each instrument has a named directory where there are instrument specific scripts used to define default values and files which are used to set up and populate the IXTrunfile object.
Setting homer defaults
For each instrument there can be particular default values specified for each step in the homering process. When homering using a script there are set default values for the white beam process. For example the MARI white beam defaults are specified in:
Overriding instrument specific population
In the case where there is incorrect information in the rawfile which has been generated we can populate detector and spectra information from a nexus file. The creation of these files is defined below
For example the specific MERLIN population information is contained in the file
This script defines the nexus files which are required for population of the IXTrunfile object which in turn the .spe file is produced from.
To define files used to populate the IXTdetector and IXTspectra objects we can add the following two lines to this file:
DSO=add_item(DSO,'inst_nxs:::merlin_detector.nxs','detector'); DSO=add_item(DSO,'inst_nxs:::merlin_spectra.nxs','spectra');
These files are not distributed with the libisis package as they can change. The 'inst_nxs:::' path is a standard definition which is specified in the inst_defs.m file or in the Instrument setup
Creating populated nexus files
Populate an IXTrunfile from a raw file containing the correct values and enough detectors to include all those used by the mapping you have chosen - ie if you have an IXTrunfile which has been populated by the 'mon' command then it will not contain enough detector information. then you make the matlab command
>> write_nxs(your_runfile.inst.detector,'mydetectorfile.nxs') >> write_nxs(your_runfile.inst.spectra,'myspectrafile.nxs')
these files can then be used in the lines above to populate the IXTrunfile object provided they are placed in the inst_nxs::: path