Ixf global var

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This is a very special function. It is used by almost all the graphics functions and it stores information "behind the scenes". Use this whenever a piece of data needs to be remembered without the user being able to delete it.


>> output=ixf_global_var('variable_set', 'set / get / clear','variable',variable_value) 
>> ixf_global_var('variable_set','copy','new_set1', 'new_set2', ...)
  • variable_set indicates the application that is setting the variable. For instance this may be 'libisis' or 'graphics' or 'homer' etc. These variable sets help to prevent interference between different components.
  • 'set / get / clear' - choose one of the 3 options, if set is chosen then variable_value will be set as a variable with the name 'variable' inside the file and output will be nothing. If 'get' is chosen then you do not give variable_value and the output will be the value of the variable named 'variable' in the file. If clear is given then the variable named 'variable' inside the file will be deleted.
  • new_set1 etc. are new variable sets to copy the given variable set to inside the file
  • Variables exist in the file for as long as matlab remains open
  • Variables can not be altered by users except by using the file to do so, therefore a "clear all" statement will not have an effect on the variables stored in this file.


>> [output1, output2, output3,...] = ixf_gloabl_var('variable_set','get','var1','var2','var3',...)
  >> ixf_global_var('variable_set','set','variable',value)
  >> ixf_global_var('variable_set','remove')
  >> ixf_global_var('variable_set','clear')
  >> ixf_global_var('variable_set','copy','new_set', ....)

Finding Out What's In The File

To find out which variables are currently being stored use

>> ixf_global_var

>> ixf_gloabl_var('variable_set')

In the first case a list of variable sets will be given In the second case, a list of variables contained within the given variable set will be given as the output

Many of these variable sets are used within libisis graphics and elsewhere to control plot properties. Some default properties are set in


Examples Of Variables Stored in ixf_global_var

Variable Set 'libisis_graphics'

  • Default properties for plotting and general behaviour
  • Locations of files in the graphics package.
  • Valid values for use when plotting IXG_TYPE_VALIDVALUES
  • Standard error messages and values to use in functions IXG_ST_ERROR, IXG_ST_STDVALUES, IXG_ST_MESSAGE
  • Use these default variables when changing the graphics package

Variable Set 'data_source'

  • Used by Homer and Homer_gui application
  • Used when assigning a RAW file to libisis using ass(number) command
  • Stores the instrument, extension and path of the selected RAW file
  • Stores rawfile objects that have been assigned

Variable Set 'fortran'

  • Stores information used by the fortran elements of libisis.