IXFregroup dataset 1d

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This function will regroup an IXTdataset_1d object according to the supplied params(xlo,dx,xhi) argument to give an IXTdataset_1d object result. It regroups data with new bin boundaries to ensure that bins have minimum width determined by the parameter dx with limits xlo,xhi, but ensuring the bin boundaries are coincident with original bin boundaries.

  • dx > 0 constant bin width = dx
  • dx < 0 logarithmic binning x(m+1) = x(m) *(1+|dx|)
  • dx = 0 retain original bin boundaries

The difference between IXFrebin_dataset_1d and IXFregroup_dataset_1d is that in the former the data in the original bins may be divided by the new bin boundaries. In the latter case, new bins are created only by combining whole bins.

Regrouping is ONLY permitted on histogram data.

F90 syntax

use IXMdataset_1d

type(IXTdataset_1d):: dataset_1d,result_d1d

call IXFregroup_dataset_1d(result_d1d,dataset_1d,params,status)