The IXTaxis object contains a string defining the units code, a string defining actual units and a string defining annotation for the axes
The elements of the object are as follows:
Element | Type | Description |
base | IXTbase | object needed for internal reasons |
caption | char(allocatable) | caption to annotate the plot with |
units | char | units of the axes (e.g. 'milliseconds') |
code | char(length 5) | units code used for conversions |
Creating an IXTaxis object
The following syntax is used to create an IXTaxis object
>>label = IXTaxis('caption', 'units', 'code')
- If any of the inputs is omitted it is left blank.
- 'caption' may be a cell array of strings.
It is usually used as part of other objects, most commonly IXTdataset_1d, IXTdataset_2d, IXTrunfile.
>> xlabel = IXTaxis('Time of Flight', 'microseconds', '$t')
>> ylabel = IXTaxis('Spectrum Number', ' ', '$spno')
>> slabel = IXTaxis('Intensity', 'Counts', '$cts')
>> w = IXTdataset_2d(IXTbase, 'Test Data', signal, error, slabel, x, xlabel, false, y, ylabel, false)
creates an IXTdataset_2d object with the x label as time of flight in microseconds, the y label as spectrum number and signal intensity in arbitrary units.
Allowed Operations
The following operations may be performed on this data type:
Class specific Functions