Wiki Editing Tips
The following information is useful when editing the Wiki
==Heading1==, ===Heading2===, ====Heading3====
These are the three levels of headings you should use, They appear in the contents so Don't use them just to make text larger!
White Space
A new line in the editor does not mean a new line in the finished article. Always leave two blank lines between the end of one section and the start of another - it spreads everything out and looks much much better
If there is a specific piece of text that you use a lot and could change, then put it in a template. These are just like normal pages, except you name them "template:page_name". This can be any bit of text. For instance, one use might be that you want all displays of code to look the same. Create a template that has the HTML code for the font (for instance color="blue" fontsize="11") and store it on the page
template:code text
To include a template on a page, simply enclose the page name in double curly brackets. Now whenever you have a piece of code that you want formatted with the template you type
<font {{code_text}}> some text here </font>
This is used to format all the tables (for instance look at the code for IXTdataset_2d). When you change the template, you also change everything that uses the template. It is much easier to manage!
Inset Pages
Exactly the same as including templates, you can include pages from the wiki. For examples of both see the code for Tutorial, Homer information has been added from another page and the "tasks" are all in the same font that can be changed if I want to. When including pages a colon is used before the page name, so
will inset the IXTdataset_2d page.