IXTmap and IXTmask from the matlab command line
Revision as of 14:31, 31 March 2008 by Dean Whittaker (talk | contribs)
IXTmap, IXTmask population
It is also possible to populate IXTmap and IXTmask objects in the matlab environment from the command line.
>> mask_array = [1,3,5,6,7,8,9] >> mask = IXTmask(mask_array)
>> mask = IXTmask([1,3,5,6,7,8,9])
- this is a special IXTmask constructor
- mask is an IXTmask object
- mask_array is an array of spectra to be masked
- a mask object can be created by diagnose which is one of the diagnostic tools for homer
>> spectrum_arrays = {[1,3,5,6],[7,8,9,10],[11,12,13,14]} >> workspace_numbers = [1,22,333] >> map=IXTmap(spectrum_arrays)
>> map=IXTmap([1,22,333],{[1,3,5,6],[7,8,9,10],[11,12,13,14]})
- this is a special IXTmap constructor
- spectrum_arrays is a cell array containing numerical lists of spectra to be grouped together into workspaces
- the array workspace_numbers is optional, and if not provided workspace numbers will be given values 1->N where N = size(spectrum_arrays,2)