IXTdataset 1d

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An IXTdataset_1d is an object that stores signal and error data against one independent dimension (the x axis). Title and label information is also stored. These are used for manipulating and visualising a single spectrum.

One dimensional plotting can be used to visualise the data and many functions exist to manipulate it given in the user manual


IXTdataset_1d objects contain the following fields

Field Description
IXTbase Object required for internal use
title Title of the dataset used in plotting
signal Signal data
error Standard error
s_axis IXTaxis object containing the signal axis label and units code information
x Independent variable data (i.e. x data)
x_axis IXTaxis object containing the x axis label and units code information
x_distribution True if signal is a distribution on x (e.g. counts/microsecond) False if signal is not a distribution on x (e.g. counts)

Constructing an IXTdataset_1d Object
