Plot Commands
The main purpose of the graphics package is to plot graphs. Several different commands exist to facilitate this.
One Dimensional Plots
Plot Types
Images of the one dimensional plot types can be seen here.
Command | Plot Type |
dl | Line Plot |
dm | Marker Plot |
de | Errorbar Plot |
dh | Histogram Plot |
dp | Marker with Errorbars Plot |
dp | Marker and Lin with Errorbars Plot |
>> dh(w, 'property', value, 'property2', value2,...)
where w is a dataset and 'property' and value define property-value pairs. See the functions for a list of properties that can be set.
If an overplot command is used, then the next plot will appear on top of the plot in the active plot window.
Command | Plot Type |
pl | Overplot Line |
pm | Overplot Marker |
pe | Overplot Errorbar |
ph | Overplot Histogram |
pp | Overplot Marker with Errorbars |
pp | Overplot Marker and Line with Errorbars |