Rebin Functions

Revision as of 16:35, 17 March 2008 by Dean Whittaker (talk | contribs)
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Rebin functions change the way in which the data is binned, but should not effect the data itself. For instance, one might rebin data from a low resolution run into wider bins.

These functions are

>> wout = rebin(w,[xlo, dx, xhi])
>> wwout = rebin_x(ww,[xlo, dx, xhi])
>> wwout = rebin_y(ww,[ylo, dy, yhi])
>> wwout = rebin_xy(ww,[xlo, dx, xhi], [ylo, dy, yhi])
>> wout = rebunch(w, nbins)
>> wwout = rebunch_x(w, nbins)
>> wwout = rebunch_y(w, nbins)
>> wwout = rebunch_xy(w, xbins, ybins)
>> wout = regroup(w, [xlo, dx, xhi])
>> wwout = regroup_x(ww, [xlo, dx, xhi])
>> wwout = regroup_y(ww, [ylo, dy, yhi])
>> wwout = regroup_xy(ww, [xlo, dx, xhi], [ylo, dy, yhi])

Rebin Functions

Rebunch Functions

Regroup Functions