The elements of the object are as follows:
<?plugin OldStyleTable caption="IXTrunfile" border||=2 |< *Element* |^ *Type* |^ *Brief Description* |< title |^ char |< Title of runfile |< users (:) |^ [IXTuser] (allocatable) |< list of users |< sample |^ [IXTsample] |< sample being measured |< inst |^ [IXTinstrument] |< description of instrument |< det_data |^ [IXTdata] |< detector datasets and mapping information |< mon_data |^ [IXTdata] |< monitor datasets and mapping information |< peaks |^ [IXTpeaks] |< description of monitor peaks for get_ei ?>
F90 syntax
use IXMrunfile type(IXTrunfile)::runfile type(IXTstatus):: status
The following operations may be performed on this data type:
- [General Operations]
- [Special Subroutines]
Class Specific Operations --population routines
- [IXFpopulate_mon_runfile]
- [IXFpopulate_det_runfile]
- [IXFpopulate_runfile]
- [IXFrebin_runfile]
- [IXFbackground_runfile]
- [IXFremap_runfile]
- [IXFunits_runfile]
--normalisation routines
- [IXFsolid_runfile]
- [IXFmon_norm_runfile]
- [IXFpeak_norm_runfile]
- [IXFeffic_norm_runfile]
- [IXFgetei_runfile]
- [IXFgeteival_runfile]
- [IXFgetmondata_runfile]
- [IXFgetdetdata_runfile]