Overriding and setting default values for homer processes

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overriding instrument specific population

the homer distribution files are contained in


there are specific files used to set up the MERLIN instrument in the MERLIN directory

in the case where there is incorrect information in the rawfile which has been generated we can populate detector and spectra information from a nexus file. Of course creation of this file is another issue.

the specific MERLIN population information is contained in the file


this defines the nexus files which are required for population of the IXTrunfile object which in turn the .spe file is produced from. i added the following two lines to this file, with these lines present the libisis system will try and load the IXTdetector and IXTspectra object from these files.

DSO=add_item(DSO,'inst_nxs:::merlin_detector.nxs','detector'); DSO=add_item(DSO,'inst_nxs:::merlin_spectra.nxs','spectra');

these files are not distributed with libisis package as they can change. the 'inst_nxs:::' path is a standard definition which is specified in the inst_defs.m file