User Manual
There are many different Matlab commands within Libisis. These include basic commands, such as taking the exponential of a dataset, through to integration and plotting commands. The following is an online user manual for the matlab interface of the Libisis software.
There are many different object types within Libisis used to store experimental data. Once an object is created, functions exist to manipulate the data contained within. The most common objects for plotting and data manipulation are IXTdataset_1d and IXTdataset_2d objects. All relevant data pertaining to a run can be stored in an IXTrunfile object. Data from many different file formats may be read into these objects for manipulation. Described below are many different functions for handling data.
Directory Structure
The functions are organised into a particular directorary structure outlined here.
General Behaviour
Most functions share a general behaviour outlined here
Data Manipulation Functions
Input and Output Functions
Binary Operators
Binary operators such as +, -, *, etc. are used to perform arithmetic operations between datasets and/or numbers
Elementary Functions
Data Manipulation Functions
shift, shift_x, shift_y, shift_xy
Rebin Functions
rebin, rebin_x, rebin_y, rebin_xy
rebunch, rebunch_x, rebunch_y, rebunch_xy
regroup, regroup_x, regroup_y, regroup_xy
High Level Functions
deriv1x, deriv2x, deriv1y, deriv2y, deriv1, deriv2
integrate_x, integrate_y, integrate_xy, integrate
Special Functions
expand_d1d, expand_listd1d, expand_d2d, expand_listd2d
hist2point, hist2point_x, hist2point_y,
Using Default Properties and Name Tags
Plot Commands
Pre-Emptive Formatting
acolor, aline, amark
Retrospective Formatting
lx, ly, lz
linlogbutton, linlogmenu, linx, logx, liny, logy, linz, logz
kf keep_figure
set_plot, set_axes, set_figure
Other Commands
sdp, set_default_property, sup, set_user_propety, ra, reset_all, rd, reset_default
gallnt, gallh, check_figure, chkf, get_handle, gh, alias