Scripting Homer Functions

Revision as of 10:44, 30 January 2008 by Dickon Champion (talk | contribs)
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It is possible to treat your data by making calls to the homer function only, but it can be quite involved, requiring specific keyword arguments to be specified for different parts of the process. These three functions can be called in conjunction with diagnose to fully homer your data. They all call the homer function underneath, but they set up particular default values particular to the process. All these default values can be overridden if they are defined as arguments to the function.

  • All three functions have required keywords and accept all the optional keywords from homer
  • Before any of the following commands can be called the appropriate Instrument Setup functions must be called.
  • run_no is a keyword common to all these functions, it is a string defining the run number to be homered
  • if multiple runs are to be added together then they can be provided in a cell array of strings
>> run_no={'11045' '23456' '12345'}
  • no extra functions need to be called on the dso IXTdata_source object.

non-default keyword arguments

There are two sets of keywords which are not default values.

  1. 'mon_map' and 'det_map', if they are not supplied then a 1:1 mapping will be made and there will be a message on screen that this is the case. They can either be defined as a text file, a nexus file or as an IXTmap object.
  2. 'mon_mask' and 'det_mask' can be created by the diagnose function which creates an IXTmask object. They can also be defined as a text file or a nexus file.

There are also special functions to create an IXTmap and IXTmask from the matlab command line.


>> whitebeam_runfile=white_beam(dso,  run_no, 'keyword_1', parameter_1,..., 'keyword_N',parameter_N)


>> monovan_runfile=mono_van(dso,  run_no, chopper_type,'keyword_1', parameter_1,..., 'keyword_N',parameter_N)
  • chopper type is a string argument denoting the type of chopper used in the experiment eg. 'sloppy'
  • 'ei' or 'fixei' must also be a keyword
  • 'solid' keyword must be defined, but generally would be whitebeam_runfile


The absolute scaling factor from a monochromatic vanadium can be determined by making a call to mono_van_abs

>> scaling_factor=monovan_abs(monovan_runfile)

== mono_sample ==
>> monosample_runfile=mono_sample(dso,  run_no, chopper_type,'keyword_1', parameter_1,..., 'keyword_N',parameter_N)

  • chopper type is a string argument denoting the type of chopper used in the experiment eg. 'sloppy'
  • 'ei' or 'fixei' must also be a keyword
  • 'solid' keyword must be defined, but generally would be whitebeam_runfile